What are your favorite memories of driving with Hearty? Any? If none, now is a great time to fabricate one out of whole cloth. The original expression is “out of hole clogs” meaning you made it out of whole cloth or somethng. Hole maybe. But YOUR own adventure with Hearty is something for YOU to lie about. Not me. I might not even know you.
I have many driving memories, but this one time we got pulled over for speeding (I was driving) and somehow Hearty talked the officer out of giving me a ticket by spewing what I thought was trivial knowledge he had garnered from old police shows like Hawaii Five-O and Dragnet. But the trivial became quite practical because the officer loved Hearty and the conversation so much that he let me off with a warning. Mr. White saved me from a steep fine so I bought him pecan log at the next Stuckey’s. I never saw him eat it. Those things are more like souvenirs I think.
All truish!